Our first convening of LF Decentralized Trust Members!
Member summit is our annual members-only event to direct the activities of our community for the next year. This gathering brings together all community stakeholders to learn and collaborate across both technical and business topics.
Date: October 23-24
Time: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Location: San Francisco Mint 88 5th St
Premier Members: 4 tickets
General Members: 2 tickets
Associate Members: 1 ticket
Register additional attendees on the waitlist. We will inform you if attendance is approved.

Maintainer Days
Invite-only event for maintainers of LF Decentralized Trust projects to gather for two days and share knowledge, collaborate, and strategize project roadmaps.
Date: October 21-22
Time: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Location: Salesforce Tower at 415 Mission St, San Francisco
If you aren't yet a maintainer but are interested in becoming one, contact ecosystem@lfdecentralizedtrust.org. We can help you with the process.
October 21-22 - Maintainer Days
Invite-only sister event for maintainers of LF Decentralized Trust Projects to gather for two days and share knowledge, collaborate, and strategize project roadmaps. Visit the wiki event page for more details.
Tuesday, October 22nd - Member Summit Kickoff
6:00 - 8:00 PM: Old Money Meets Digital Money Happy Hour at The Treasury
Join us for an evening of drinks and food to kick-off Member Summit and meet your fellow LF Decentralized Trust members in a historic building in San Francisco's Financial District. All Member Summit attendees are welcome!
Location: 200 Bush St #101, San Francisco, CA 94104
Thank you to Hedera for sponsoring this event for our community.
Special Keynotes:
We are excited welcome The Linux Foundation's Executive Director, Jim Zemlin as our first keynote where he will be sharing insights on trends and dynamics in open source more broadly and how the LF is leading collaboration globally on projects and community building that brings direct value to our members.
Thank you to our Event Sponsors!
Hotel Information
LF Decentralized Trust has not contracted rooms at these properties and cannot guarantee rates or availability. We often find that booking.com offers a better rate. Here are a few suggested hotels that are nearby the venue.

Sponsorship Opportunity
Sponsoring LF DECENTRALIZED TRUST’s first ever Member Summit gives you the opportunity to reach a diverse and multi-faceted global audience of open source practitioners who are supporting members of LFDT. All sponsorship packages are first come first serve, so please reach out to ecosystem@lfdecentralizedtrust.org to learn more.
All sponsor packages include:
- Combined Sponsor stand up banner at SF Mint venue entrance
- Mention in pre-event and post-event communications
- Logo and link on conference website.
- Logo recognition on rotating slides before and after keynotes.
>>View the sponsorship prospectus
Visa Letter Request
- Please visit this page if you require a letter for your visa application. If you have questions about the visa letter request, contact ecosystem@lfdecentralizedtrust.org.
- Provision of a visa letter by The Linux Foundation does not guarantee visa approval, which is made at the sole discretion of the government of the event’s host country.
- Visa letter requests should be made well in advance of an event, 6 weeks at a minimum.
- You must be registered for the event before requesting a visa letter. It can take up to an hour for our registration system and visa letter system to sync.
- The Linux Foundation processes most visa letter requests within 3 business days.
Health & Safety
Check this page for updates about health and safety recommendations.
Our community’s well-being is extremely important to us, and creating a safe, worry-free event is our top priority. We will adjust our health and safety protocols as needed while updating this page with information about plans for our attendees onsite. We continue to look to local municipality guidelines to make the best and most informed decisions around onsite safety and requirements. All in-person attendance requirements are subject to change based on local guidelines.
Covid-19, Masks, & Vaccines
Masks are optional. There are no vaccine or testing requirements to attend this event. These are both subject to change based on local municipality requirements and any changes in COVID-19. If you are traveling from abroad, review the entry requirements from your country of origin here. Currently, there are no vaccination or testing requirements to enter the US. Requirements may change so check back regularly. We encourage all attendees to take a COVID-19 self-test prior to traveling to the event and when they return home. Remain at home if you test positive or feel ill.
If you feel ill while at the event, please take a COVID-19 self-test and isolate as needed.
Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the event venue and a limited supply of face masks will be available upon request at Registration.
We respectfully remind all attendees, speakers, sponsors, and staff to: Stay home if you experience any cold or flu-like symptoms and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
Code of Conduct
By attending or participating in this event, you agree to abide by the Linux Foundation Code of Conduct. Event is held under Chatham House Rule. No media.
Please contact Angela Brown, SVP & GM of Events, at angela@linuxfoundation.org if you believe you’ve observed or experienced a violation of the Code of Conduct.
Diversity & Inclusion
Education and collaboration are vital to the future of the open source ecosystem, and it is imperative to us that everyone in the community that wants to participate feels welcome to do so regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, age, religion or economic status. Our Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for all those who participate in our community, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior.
Venue Accessibility
If you need any assistance locating an elevator, or have other questions about accessibility onsite, please speak to a member of the Linux Foundation event staff at any of the registration or information desks onsite. If you have questions prior to the event, please email events@linuxfoundation.org.
If you have ideas on how we can create a more inclusive event, please do not hesitate to let us know. Any questions or concerns please contact ecosystem@lfdecentralizedtrust.org.